lunes, 7 de julio de 2008

Our favorite plates

Oriana, Monica and Hernan arrive at a famous restaurant and greeted at the door by the main waiter:

Good afternoon, please come in (showing them a table for three)
Todos: helllo. Thank you
Mesonero: This is our menu for the day (giving them the cart)

After only five minutes, Hernan calls the waiter to make his order

Mesonero: yes, can i take your order?
Oriana: please do, i’d like to try some Italian food, how about Bolognese pasta?
Mesonero: that’s alright, any drinks?
Oriana: oh! Excuse me... i changed my mind, can i have a cheese pizza and a glass of red wine?

Mesonero: certainly. How about you miss?
Mónica: well, i want some Japanese food. Sushi would be good and some sake with it if you have it.
Mesonero: your order it’s on the way.
Mónica: I’m sorry, gentleman! I think it’s better if i have Chinese food! I’ll have some shop suey with rice and the same to drink!. Thanks

Mesonero: ok, anything else?
Mónica: no, that’s fine by now
Mesonero: perfect.
Hernan: I’ll have Venezuelan food please. That will be chicken, mush potatoes and vegetables and with that I want a lemonade.
Mesonero: your order will be ready in a few minutes
Hernan: pardom me! Instead of chicken i want fish. I hope it’s not much trouble! Thank you

Mesonero: very well, i hope you all enjoy your food.

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